February 11, 2023

Let's say you're creating a story within a seemingly utopian setting, a social structure where the citizens are passive, caring, and cared-for by the-powers-that-be. No guns, no violence. Everyone is equal. Partly because individuality has been stripped by removing any ethnicity or culture identity from personal names. 

What might those names look like?

This is an element to my current project, Rite, that I've been working on as I make headway through its creation.

An impersonal letter-and-numbering system has already been done effectively in George Lucas' THX 1138 (1971). 1976's Logan's Run had characters like Logan 5, Francis 7, Jessica 6, and Holly 13.

So, I've created a conundrum for myself. But I don't want to share, yet, what I've come up with because I'm not sure I like it. I first want to know what your thoughts or suggestions might be.

Ever wanted to tell an author how they should've/could've done something better? Now's your chance to share and contribute. Maybe I'll use your idea...or not. There's no monetary or credential reward here, just the satisfaction of knowing you voiced an opinion, and it was given due diligent consideration. I just want to know what you think. 

Gordon Gravley

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March 4, 2023


January 14, 2023