Progress, Not Perfection
Keeping a journal is one of the most valuable developmental tools at a writer’s disposal, or anyone’s for that matter.

The Great Pretender
A very wise man once told me there was a difference between fantasizing about what you’d like out of life and actively pursuing a plan to make those dreams a reality. Now, thirty-some years later, I finally understand what he was trying to tell me.

You See, The Story's the Thing
A few years back, I went through open heart surgery. During my recovery in the hospital,while flirting with the nurses – as I’ve been shamelessly known to do – I sparked a debate between two of them: Which is sexier – a tattoo, or a scar?

Dear Mr. Ellison,
It's an odd yet common occurrence, isn't it, that something is never truly appreciated until it's gone.

Of Fiction and Ferrets: Part Three - The Ferret Mystery
Note: Everything in this story is true. Even the part about the ferret peering into my darkened room.

Of Fiction and Ferrets: Part Two - The Flying Ferret
Note: Everything in this story is true. Even the part where the ferret soars over the doctor's head.

Of Fiction and Ferrets: Part One - The Weaseling Writer
I can't speak for every author, of course, but I think it's safe to say that most writers weasel their way into their stories one way or another.