Two Words
I was engaging in casual conversation with someone at work recently (no, I don’t make a living at writing; I have a “real” job) when out-of-nowhere this person flew into a tangent rage about how fictitious today’s news reporting is. “It’s all fake!” they claimed with extreme, vehement insistence.

Full Circle
I don’t believe in pre-determined destiny. The conscious and sometimes subconscious choices we make are what design our ultimate path (made up of a multitude of paths) and determine where we end up at any given moment. Have you ever looked back and connected the dots, the moments of your life that lead to where you’re at right now? It can be enlightening. Sometimes I do it on purpose. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere.

The Upside...?
I had intended to write this month a blog post laced with wit and levity in regards to the pandemic we currently find ourselves in. It was going to be in the form of a Top Ten List, a countdown citing the positive side to this tense and cautious time.

Dear Mr. Lipton,
Inspiration can often be found at unexpected times, in unexpected places. While on a walk in a familiar neighborhood. In the kitchen cooking dinner. Or while watching a talk show, on Bravo.

Progress, Not Perfection
Keeping a journal is one of the most valuable developmental tools at a writer’s disposal, or anyone’s for that matter.

So, What's Next?
Being a self-publishing author sometimes involves a bit of schizophrenia; the personality of a writer tends to differ from that of a publisher, and often the twain shall meet.

Q & A
I recently watched the movie Yesterday, hooked by the concept, and the fact that I’m a fan of The Beatles. It was a good film; strong performances from everyone in it. My one criticism is best summed up by the Rotten Tomatoes blurb, “…a sweetly charming fantasy with an intriguing – albiet somewhat under-explored – premise.”

A Little Help, Please
There was a time, not too long, when a publisher would nurture a promising author’s talent. Books would often be released on a writer’s potential, forgiving their yet to be fully realized skills. Publishers, editors, and agents were the first bastion of hope and support for those of us longing to share their words.

Things Fall Apart
Have you ever woke up in the morning overwhelmed with the feeling that you’ve done it all wrong?

Oh, the Irony!
In my upcoming novel, Of Gilded Flesh, I have a chapter titled “Of Love and Irony,” wherein I write: There lies the irony of Anna’s love: She adores men for their passion of things greater than her. She would be more than happy to be second or even third on a list. Yet, her love always seems to be a question waiting for an answer that never comes.