Oh, the Irony!
In my upcoming novel, Of Gilded Flesh, I have a chapter titled “Of Love and Irony,” wherein I write: There lies the irony of Anna’s love: She adores men for their passion of things greater than her. She would be more than happy to be second or even third on a list. Yet, her love always seems to be a question waiting for an answer that never comes.

Never Say Never
It should be no secret how I feel about books within a series. As soon as I see the likes of “Book One of the Ice Dragon Series” or “Troll Hunters #17” in a novel’s title, I quickly move on to something else. The reason for this aversion? There’s a couple, actually:

Minutiae Kills
Ever hear the one about the architect who killed himself because he forgot to include bathrooms in his design?

A Small Press Conundrum
The last publisher to reject me before I made the decision to go independent was McAdam-Cage Publishing, a small press out of San Francisco. Most notably, they published Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife.

Memory of a Blue Heron
I don't know that I'll ever think of myself as a poet. But sometimes inspiration that can only be expressed in verse strikes. A short while back, while hanging pictures with my son, I was struck to compose the following poem.

Of Fiction and Ferrets: Part Three - The Ferret Mystery
Note: Everything in this story is true. Even the part about the ferret peering into my darkened room.

Of Fiction and Ferrets: Part Two - The Flying Ferret
Note: Everything in this story is true. Even the part where the ferret soars over the doctor's head.

Of Fiction and Ferrets: Part One - The Weaseling Writer
I can't speak for every author, of course, but I think it's safe to say that most writers weasel their way into their stories one way or another.

The Power of Art
I've never doubted the effect art can have upon the world, or to each of us individually, especially myself. Whether it's a book that gets me through a gray, gloomy day, or a piece of music that channels my anxieties, art - on more than a few occasions - has gotten me through.